by Susan
by Susan

Are Chrome or Silver Fireplace Accessories Right for Your Hearth?
The Bling of Silver Fireplace Accessories –
Traditionally wrought from black iron or cast of brass, fireplace accessories were limited to these time-honored metals. But the twenty-first century has welcomed fireplace accessories with more sparkle, bling and dazzle! Shiny, silver fireplace accessories with chrome, brushed steel, satin nickel, stainless steel or pewter finishes are now available to decorators and shoppers seeking modern, reflective fireplace screens and fireplace tools.
Are these shiny, chrome or silver fireplace accessories right for your home? Here are some decorating concepts to consider:
• Look at the other metals in your room. Are your lamps, picture frames, candle sticks, and other metal accessories silver, steel, chrome, or pewter? Do you have furniture with chrome or stainless steel accents? If so, shiny silver fireplace accessories will be perfect for your room.
• Are you aiming for a sleek, uncluttered,contemporary look? Rooms emphasizing a modern style usually use steel, chrome, or pewter accents instead of brass, copper, or wrought iron, so the silver-toned fireplace screens, fireplace tools, fireplace candelabra, and fireplace log holders would compliment these rooms.
• Do you have a formal, traditional room? Are your sil!ver tea set or other silver pieces prominently displayed? Traditionally styled fireplace accessories in brushed silver or nickel will add a luxuriant, dramatic flair and enhance such rooms.
• Does your room need some sparkle? If your room has no reflective surfaces (such as mirrors, shiny glass, or silver or brass accessories), silver fireplace accessories can brighten it up and provide just the light-reflecting property you need.
Sometimes a traditional look is best, but for other rooms, shiny chrome, steel, nickel, pewter, or silver fireplace accessories can be just the updated touch you need.
A Halloween fireplace mantel scarf is the fabric drape that covers the top of the mantel. It provides the foundation upon which a Halloween themed mantel is created. The mantel scarf is to a fireplace mantel like a tablecloth is to a dining table: It sets the color scheme and theme. You can find a […]
Make no bones about it, skeletons are the backbone of Halloween decorating. A Halloween skeleton fireplace with simulated human, dog and cat, bat and rat, bird and reptile, or even dragon and unicorn skeletons can send tingles up your spine. In addition to decorating the fireplace, skeletons can sit on chairs or couches and hide […]
Usually when we think of a fireplace, we think of sharing it with friends and family. There is one type of fireplace, however, that is designed to enjoyed alone, in privacy: the bathroom fireplace. A bathroom fireplace is a personal and elegant indulgence. It is the ultimate for creating a spa-like retreat from the cares of the […]
If you burn wood in your fire pit, you have the makings of DIY fire pit log stump stool – the firewood logs themselves. From the most basic to the most clever, fire pit log stump stools capture the essence and simplicity of gathering around a fire. Here are directions for making a variety of DIY fire pit log […]