by Tom
by Tom

Start your fires in fashion this winter! We’ve giving away 8 lbs of fatwood, a hand-crafted copper cauldron, and a pair of heavy-duty cowhide fireplace gloves for the ultimate fatwood fire starter kit giveaway!
Fatwood is one of the best natural firestarters available. Loaded with energy-rich resin, just one or two strips of fatwood can have a fire roaring in no time. As an added benefit, fatwood has a wonderful, rich smell. This 8 lb bag contains 80-120 sticks, plenty to last the season.
Along with the fatwood we’re including these heavy duty cowhide fireplace gloves. These gloves are a full 19 inches long, providing plenty of coverage, and are heavily insulated to protect you from the heat of the fire. No more nervous feeding of the fire; just don these gloves and set the logs in with confidence.
And of course you’ll want something stylish in which to store your new fatwood and fireplace gloves. That’s why we’re giving away this gorgeous hand-crafted copper cauldron.
Enter below to win this $300 value Fire Starter Kit Giveaway!
Ugly Christmas sweater party on your calendar? Or looking for a unique and fun way to celebrate the holidays? Maybe you enjoy keeping your friends and coworkers entertained. Fireplace sweaters let you take the hearth glow wherever you go. So light up that Ugly Christmas Sweater Party or a cozy night in with bright dancing […]
The United States celebrates National Bioenergy Day each October. It recognizes and encourages the use of renewable and sustainable bioenergy sources. In 2021, National Bioenergy Day is October 20. When any organic material with few or no productive applications is used to generate energy, we call it “bioenergy.” The biomass can be any organic low […]
A Halloween fireplace mantel scarf is the fabric drape that covers the top of the mantel. It provides the foundation upon which a Halloween themed mantel is created. The mantel scarf is to a fireplace mantel like a tablecloth is to a dining table: It sets the color scheme and theme. You can find a […]
Make no bones about it, skeletons are the backbone of Halloween decorating. A Halloween skeleton fireplace with simulated human, dog and cat, bat and rat, bird and reptile, or even dragon and unicorn skeletons can send tingles up your spine. In addition to decorating the fireplace, skeletons can sit on chairs or couches and hide […]
I’d sure like to have a firepit outside. I live in a camper so nothing fancy inside.
[…] Ending on: 12/16/2013 Open to: United States Enter this Giveaway at FireplaceMall […]
We use fire starter logs alot and if not alot of kinnling.
We use remade starter logs
we use starter wood…..and yes sometimes newspaper, thanks! :)
I would give most of this to my sister, since her home has a working fireplace. The cauldron, however, would be for me. It’s a beauty!
I use parafin wax infused wood shavings (commercially available) but haven’t tried the fat sticks yet.
With newspapers
We usually use starter logs and sometimes newspaper.
We use starter logs.
I have been using newspaper and cardboard, with some broken up pallets to start the fires
I usually start my fires with fat wood or something similar.
I use newspaper and kindling.
I’ve always used newspapers rolled into sticks. My grandmother has made the upside-down fires before and they burned a long time
We just use twigs to get the fire rolling. Sometimes it can take a while, though!
We have an automatic gas line to start it
We use kindling, but I’d like to try fatwood
Dryer lint!
We use a combination–small twig branches, paper, etc. Have never done the upside-down fire method.
We use either kindling/newspaper or a starter log. Thanks
We use those pinecone candle thingies.
Love this. It would be beautiful near the fireplace. I usually start the fire with some paper and kindling wood and a match. Thanks!
i have trouble starting fires with real wood so we usually buy the firelogs
We use kindling and newspapers to get our fires started
We use newspaper