by Tom
by Tom

If you have a fireplace, you have a hole in your roof. That hole, your chimney’s flue, sucks the warm air from your furnace, fireplace, or woodstove right out of your house. You can close off that hole and dramatically reduce your heating costs by installing a top-sealing damper. In fact, most homeowners find the dampers pay for themselves in energy savings in the first year.
How a Top-Sealing Damper Saves Money
Traditionally, a cast iron throat damper is placed inside your flue and is opened only when you are using your fireplace. But even brand new cast iron throat dampers are notorious for letting heat leak out of homes. And older ones that have deteriorated, warped, or rusted allow that heat to gush out of your home.
New top-sealing damper designs don’t rely on a leaky metal-to-metal seal. Instead, they have a silicone rubber gasket that provides a true seal, keeping the warm air in your home and the colder, winter air out. This tighter seal reduces energy loss by as much as 90% over conventional dampers.
Instead of being mounted inside your chimney, as traditional dampers are, the more energy-efficient top-sealing styles are mounted atop your chimney or flue, like chimney caps. Energy-efficient dampers can even be purchased as a combination damper and chimney cap.
If you feel a cool draft on your feet when standing near your fireplace, you can be sure your fireplace damper is letting your heating dollars escape through that hole in your roof. But an energy-efficient damper is an easy, cost-effective way to control your heating expense this winter.
Ready to install one? Check out our how-to video.
The United States celebrates National Bioenergy Day each October. It recognizes and encourages the use of renewable and sustainable bioenergy sources. In 2021, National Bioenergy Day is October 20. When any organic material with few or no productive applications is used to generate energy, we call it “bioenergy.” The biomass can be any organic low […]
Traditionally, knowledge based on teachings and experiences about selecting and burning firewood was passed along verbally. Often such information was put into a rhyming format to make it easier to remember. Thus were born firewood poems and firewood songs to address the question, “Which Firewood Burns Best?” As with most things passed from generation to generation, […]
Mosquitos are the bane of everyone who wants to relax by a fire pit or fire bowl or campfire. A careful selection of specific eco-friendly firestarters, logs and other fire fuels can safely repel those flying pests. Here is a list of what to burn for mosquito free fire pit or other outdoor fires. What […]
We celebrate Arbor Day in the United States on the last Friday of April. The holiday celebrates the joys of trees. Trees provide both people and animals with services as well as goods. Planting trees on Arbor day is a traditional way to honor forest, ornamental and fruit trees. To those with wood-burning fireplaces or […]
[…] newspaper, twigs and smaller pieces of kindling in your fire, but especially include a few sticks fatwood. Using resinous fatwood makes even a novice fire starter look like a fire […]