A chimney on an outdoor fireplace- whether attached to your home or a stand-alone fireplace away from the house – needs a chimney cap for all the reasons a house chimney needs one. Outdoor Chimney with No Chimney Cap The chimneys on outdoor fireplaces below have no chimney caps. On one, you can see the flue […]
The two main reasons people don’t use their fire pits more often are inconvenience and mosquitoes. These best fire pit use tips put an end to fire pit hassles, inconveniences and bugs. Fire Pit Use Tip #1: Make lighting the fire pit easy! Fatwood speeds up and simplifies lighting a fire pit and has several advantages for […]
Chimney fans work by employing mechanical venting to overcome fireplace and chimney gravity drafting deficits. When they are turned on, chimney fans, attached atop the chimneys, create a partial vacuum in chimneys . Exhaust gases from the wood or gas fireplace rush into that vacuum and flow up the chimney and out the sides of the […]
How much firewood should I buy, and when should I buy it? How can I predict how much firewood I will need for the fireplace for the entire season? These are questions that may lead busy homeowners to postpone ordering their firewood. Here are some answers from fireplace experts. How much firewood? While there’s no […]
Six Chimney and Fireplace Resolutions for the New Year – Start the New Year right…right in front of your fireplace! These New Year’s Fireplace Resolutions will help you make the most of your fireplace. Fireplace Resolution #1: Less Mess at Your Hearth You enjoy having a blazing fire in your fireplace, but dislike the too-often-messy hearth. You […]
Does your fireplace grate look like the one above? Has it burned through in the center? Find out what causes fireplace grate melt down and learn how to make your fireplace grate last longer. Put an end to grate burn-through. What Causes Fireplace Grate Melt Down? Heat will oxidize (rust) any metal made with iron. That […]
For many, a blazing fireplace and a glass of wine are a companionable duo. But first, that bottle of wine needs to be opened and that fire needs to be started. Perhaps it speaks to the appropriateness of their pairing that the corks from the wine bottles can be easily turned into wine cork fire starters for your fireplace. […]
Rid your hearth of that pile of newspapers, that unsightly stack of kindling sticks, and the toxins produced by chemical fire starters. Plus, become a fireplace fire-starting wizard! Let nature’s perfect kindling, fatwood, start your fireplace, wood burning stove, coal or pellet fuel stove, campfire, BBQ, or chiminea fires more quickly and with much less hassle […]
There are three factors to consider and two measurements to take when pondering what size fireback would be properly sized for your fireplace: • Improving the heat efficiency of your fireplace • Aesthetics • Safety You can select a fireback up to the width of your fireplace’s back wall. (Sometimes that is the same width […]